CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (IIIM) Jammu organized one day awareness-cum-distribution programme on Quality Seed material of Ocimum basillicum (OB-15) for farmers of Hindaun City Rajasthan on 25.12.2023 under CSIR- Aroma Mission Phase III.The main objective and aim of the program was to create awareness among the participants for employment generation and to achieve the dream of the honorable Prime Minister of doubling income through industrially important crops over traditional cropping.
In the program Sh. B. D. Sharma (Joint Director Agriculture) Sh. Ram Lal Jat ( Addl .Director Horticulture),Sh. Dharm Singh Meena (Addl. Director ATMA), Dr. M. K. Nayak KVK, Hindaun (Meteorological expert) along with the Team Aroma were chaired on the stage. They shared their expertise towards participant and assured the full possible support from state Govt. with the Aroma Mission.
More than 150 farmers participated in the program out of them 36 farmers issued 19.0 Kg
Quality Seed of OB-15.
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